We are looking for volunteers for:
- Administrative duties
- Food preparation and room set up/clean up for groups
- Foodbank
- Fundraising and outreach
- Tax clinic
- Computer literacy
We also do Student Placements, that involve:
- Administrative duties
- Food preparation and room set up/clean up for groups
- Foodbank
- Fundraising and outreach
- Tax clinic
- Computer literacy
- Job shadowing
- Service clients
- Settlement services
- Facilitate and participate in groups/events
- Attend workshops, trainings and meetings
If you would like to volunteer at SAWC please contact our volunteer coordinator Subuhi Jaffrey at 416-537-2276 ext. 228, or to do a student placement contact Office Administrator Dina Sousa at dsousa@sawc.org or 416-537-2276 ext 221