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Forced Marriage and Human Trafficking Training, March 23rd and 25th!

The South Asian Women’s Centre invites you to participate in our free full day training on Forced Marriages and Human Trafficking.

The training will:

Provide a specialized framework that looks at forced marriage as a form of human trafficking

  • Provide resources and techniques for helping  survivors of domestic violence through means of forced marriage and human trafficking.
  • Captures the issue of domestic violence within Toronto communities and condition which can place women in exploitative circumstances in legal relationships
  • Understand trafficking of immigrant and refugee women in forced marriage cases
  • Gain access to resources and services aimed to support survivors

We have two training scheduled; one for Toronto Central, on March 23, 2015 and one for the East end (Scarborough) on March 25, 2015. We would like to invite you to participate in the training closest to you.

Toronto Central http://tinyurl.com/nfogh4j

  • DATE: Monday, March 23rd 2015
    TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    LOCATION:  South Asian Women’s Centre, 800 Lansdowne Avenue, Toronto ON, M6H 4K3

Toronto Easthttp://tinyurl.com/n7nrdur

  • DATE: Wednesday March 25th 2015
    TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    LOCATION:  Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn Street, Scarborough, ON, M1L 0G9

Or contact Marmitha Yogarajah (416-537-2276) to Register for either training.

We look forward to a day of building community strength and responses with you! We welcome a variety of voices from diverse sectors!

For more information, contact Manivillie Kanagasabapathy, Project Manager at mkanagasabapathy@sawc.org  or Marmitha Yogarajah, Project Coordinator at myogarajah@sawc.org or at 416-537-2276

For more information on Toronto EAST Training CLICK HERE!

For more Information on Central Toronto Training, CLICK HERE!

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